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My name is Sam Rangel, and for years, I’ve been posting on my main site,, sharing my tips and advice to new and soon to be teachers on how to have more success in their classrooms.
Recently, I’ve been learning a lot about this term – Success.
I believe that success is something that most teachers, and most people in general, are looking to achieve. Whether it’s achieving success in our classroom or success in our personal lives, most of us are looking to find that place where we can say that we are someone who is successful. Right?
We tell ourselves, once I’m successful, I will be happy. Once I reach a particular goal that demonstrates my success, then I will find the happiness that I seek. I know that was the way I saw it.
What I’ve learned, however, is that happiness does not come after success. Instead, research shows that success comes after happiness.
“Success revolves around happiness.” Shawn Achor – The Happiness Advantage.
The goal, therefore, is to achieve happiness first, then success will follow. It’s a concept that has totally transformed my life, and I am excited about sharing what I’ve learned with educators.
I have learned some specific strategies that educators can implement into their lives that will make them love what they do even more. I’ve included them in my new book, Teach Happier – 21 stress-reducing, joy-inspiring, burnout-avoiding strategies to help teachers love their jobs and have more success in the classroom.
Teaching is a calling. We get into this profession to make a difference in the world, but sometimes, it can be overwhelming, and the daily demands placed on us can dampen our enthusiasm. We can’t let this happen. We can’t let our amazing teachers “burn out.” In my book, I share what I’ve learned from experts on success and happiness on how we can fulfill our purpose, love what we do even more, and TEACH HAPPIER.
Click on the image to get your copy today!
Thank you,